pts20240123027 Technologie/Digitalisierung, Handel/Dienstleistungen

smartphoto website in Switzerland now also in English

smartphoto website in Switzerland now also in English (© smartphoto)
smartphoto website in Switzerland now also in English (© smartphoto)

Pratteln (pts027/23.01.2024/12:00)

smartphoto customers can now also design and order their photo products on an English-language website.

The photo service already offers its services in the Swiss national languages of German and French. 45 % of the Swiss population speak English on a regular basis and the language is the most widely used non-national language, accounting for 6.7 %. (Source: BFS 2020). To meet customer requirements and those of corporate customers for which English is the company language, smartphoto launched an English version of the website on 11 January.

*** About smartphoto
The company smartphoto AG, based in Pratteln (BL), was active in Switzerland from 1995 to 2011 under the name ExtraFilm AG. It is a subsidiary of the smartphoto group NV. The group is based in Belgium and has operations in 12 European countries. It is one of the largest online digital photo service providers in Europe. The product range consists of more than 900 personalisable photo products that can be designed directly online - without software download. The product portfolio includes the categories photo calendars, photo gifts (cushions, mugs, T-shirts, mobile phone covers, etc.), photo books, greeting cards, wall decoration (canvases, aluminium dibond, acrylic, etc.), photo prints and, one of our latest new products, marking labels.

smartphoto AG
Salinenstrasse 59
CH-4133 Pratteln

Aussender: Smartphoto
Ansprechpartner: Lara Karcher
Tel.: +41 61 487 77 76